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"At the root of every striking success is information. Whatever any man becomes begins with the information at his/her disposal."

Welcome to Covenant University
I consider it a great privilege from God to open to you what Covenant University stands for, where she stands in this crisis ridden world and what we hope to accomplish as an end-time army in education revolution.
Covenant University, as a vision, is part of the Living Faith Church and the Liberation Mandate given to the Commission. As a University and as an academic group, we consider ourselves a certain part in the body of Christ.
I welcome you to a unique experience in your professional pursuits here at Covenant University.
Dr. David Oyedepo
Chancellor and Chairman, Board of Regents
Academic Staffs
Non Teaching Staffs
General Provisions on appointments includes:
- Subject to the proviso in the University Law relating to the making of temporary appointments, vacancies on the established Staff shall be advertised except where, for good reasons, the Committee authorized that any particular vacancy is filled without advertisement. In such a case, however, the candidate shall not be exempted from the usual assessment.
- There shall be constituted, in respect of each appointment, a University Assessment and Interviewing Panel that shall interview and assess candidates for appointment and make a recommendation to the Board of Regents.
- Membership of the University Assessment and Interviewing
- The Vice-Chancellor and/or his/her Representative.
- The Head of Department concerned, or if the appointment is to a professorship in the department, the Dean of the College concerned, in addition to the Head of Department, except where the Head of Department is himself a candidate in which case, he/she shall not serve on the Panel.
- Two persons with knowledge of the subject or field in respect of which Candidates are being assessed or interviewed.
- The Registrar or his/her representative as Secretary.
- Accredited agencies elsewhere (e.g. the InterUniversity Council) may be used for interview, assessment and recommendation of candidates, but the responsibility and authority for making appointments shall remain vested in the University.
… for more information contact the staff handbook page 57
General Provisions on the confirmation of appointments
- Temporary service of a person appointed to an established post (academic and non-teaching) may count as part of a period of probation or of the initial period of tenure, provided that temporary service is relevant and has been in the same department to which the person is being appointed.
- Appointments not confirmed at the expiratory period shall be deemed to have elapsed and the affected staff informed accordingly
- Recommendations for confirmation of academic staff appointments by Heads of Departments should be submitted to the College Appointments and Promotions Committee for assessment and subsequent recommendation to the Central Appointments and Promotions Committee. Similarly, recommendations for confirmation of senior non-teaching appointments shall be submitted by Heads of Departments or Units through the normal channel to the College Dean or Registrar as appropriate, to the relevant Committee for consideration.
Contract Appointment for External Applicants
- Persons who have served in other universities or establishments and desire to work in the University shall be employed under the same conditions of service as contained here except for provisions that have implication for tenure.
- Specifically, however, their employment shall also
observe the following:
- Contract appointment shall be for one year in the first instance.
- The appointment of a contract staff may be renewed subsequently after everyone (1) year subject to satisfactory performance and good medical report on the contract staff.
- Contract staff may not benefit from facilities that require payment on a long period e.g. Vehicle Acquisition Scheme, Computer Acquisition Scheme etc.
- Contract staff are not entitled to any payments by way of emoluments aside from their salaries as determined by the approved prevailing policy by the Board of Regents at the time of appointment or renewal.
… for more information contact the staff handbook page 75
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