
December 1, 1994

About Candidate

How to get high CPC Website language plays an important role in getting high CPC. We who blog in Bengali language get relatively less CPC. On the other hand, those who blog in English generally get more CPC. From the below image we will be able to understand the real thing if we see Bengali and English language CPC.Niche is one of the ways to get high CPC. It also plays an important role in search ranking. If your website niche is low CPC then you will get less CPC. So before building a website you need to choose a high CPC niche.The role of keywords in getting high CPC is incomparable. If a visitor searches for a keyword and comes to your site and clicks on ads, they get some $ in return. If the searched keyword is high CPC then the CPC will be higher and the earnings will be higher otherwise it will be lower. Some high CPC keywords are mentioned below.